“”When it comes to show business, if you want to make a name for yourself, meeting Susan Johnston should be on everyone’s must-do list. She’s one of the pioneering, innovating wonders of the world. For over 20 years, Susan’s gained honors and awards for both bridging the gap between technology and story as well as innovating ideas for the future of media. When Susan Johnston speaks, everyone stops texting-- including Academy members, studio heads, chairs, content creators and moguls.”Great Mind Series, Ilene Proctor

Susan Johnston
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Here's how to strategically create and follow through on your most important business goals. No matter what industry you're in, business success starts with identifying short- and long-term goals. However, it can be tricky to figure out exactly how to set and achieve those objectives. To help, Rolling Stone Culture Council business leaders share their goal-setting strategies and why these methods are effective. Follow their recommendations to help you refine your approach to achieving your business goals.

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The best way to negotiate is to ensure both parties win. Whether you’re attempting to settle on a price with an important client or trying to reach an agreement with a potential business partner, negotiation plays an important role in business. However, it isn't a skill that comes naturally to everyone, and some may struggle to find a balance between achieving what they want and ensuring the other party does too. Mastering the art of negotiation takes practice, but keeping the following tips in mind can help you improve your skills faster and achieve the best outcomes. Below, the business leaders of Rolling Stone Culture Council draw on their years of experience closing deals to share their best advice on becoming a master negotiator, no matter your industry.

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Make getting a return on your investment easier with these simple steps. Advertising, in one form or another, is necessary to get right if you want to properly market your product or service and get the word out to potential customers. However, because of factors such as the complexity of the customer’s journey and the creative strategy that goes into advertising, determining and ensuring a high return on your investment can be a difficult task. In this way, when you’re unsure whether the time and effort you put into your advertising strategy will yield the desired result, you have to be careful to make every dollar count. This ensures you don’t incur more costs than are absolutely necessary. So how can businesses be more mindful about their ad budgets? The business experts of Rolling Stone Culture Council recommend the following six steps. Here, they outline their top tips for making your ad dollars count and ensuring a high return when it can often be challenging to do so.

Jun 27, 2024
Each one of us has all the answers; we just have to listen to that inner voice I call "knowing."

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Don’t let these blunders ruin your customer relationships. Poor customer service can have a big effect on a business’s ability to succeed. And while a smile and a helpful attitude can go a long way toward creating a positive experience for a customer, they aren’t the only aspects of customer service that need to be focused on. Whether it’s slow response times or even relying too heavily on customer self-help tools, there may be some practices you don’t even realize are hurting your relationships with your customers. Pinpointing your company’s bad practices is essential if you want to improve your customer service efforts and, as a result, the overall happiness of your customers. To get started, consider this list of bad practices that could be derailing your company's customer service efforts, courtesy of Rolling Stone Culture Council business leaders.

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Experimenting with a new product or service shouldn’t come at the expense of your core business. It can be said that all businesses are in the business of making money. Regardless of what product they sell or what service they provide, all businesses need to make money in order to survive and, hopefully, thrive. But there’s another component businesses need in order to thrive, at least in the long term: innovation. If businesses don’t innovate or improve upon their current offerings, they may not ever grow or reach their true potential. However, innovation can be risky, as not all ideas will be profitable or accepted by customers. To find that balance between making money in order to survive and making room for innovation, business leaders should consider the following eight tips from the experts of Rolling Stone Culture Council. Here, they discuss the key to balancing innovation with the financial need to stick with what works, ensuring business leaders can still pay the bills.

Jun 3, 2024
These are some questions you can ask yourself when figuring out where or how to publish.

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Building the brand image you want starts with smart PR moves. In business — and especially the culture space — what the public thinks of your brand is everything. Do they find you trustworthy and reliable? Do they think of you as innovative, cool or luxurious? Controlling the narrative around your brand is key to ensuring you create the image you’re after — and to ensuring you’re reaching your desired target audience. However, public relations is an art as much as it is a science, and many businesses that don’t have experience in this particular area can end up making mistakes that could damage their reputation in the short and long term. To avoid these same blunders, consider this list of common mistakes as outlined by the business leaders of Rolling Stone Culture Council. Below, they detail why these mistakes can be detrimental to your brand goals and advise what actions you should take instead.

There are many facets of creating and maintaining success.

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Be yourself and be curious, and the right people will find you. In business, who you know is everything. That means building real connections — ones you can count on, that go beyond surface-level acquaintances — should be a high priority for professionals looking to advance in their careers or business. However, just networking likely won’t get you the kind of relationships you’ll need to succeed. To build real connections, follow the 16 tips outlined by the culture and business experts of Rolling Stone Culture Council and see why being intentional about your relationships can propel you forward far faster than just networking alone.

Apr 17, 2024
Don't let a lack of understanding or willingness to learn stand in the way of your next gig.

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Even the smallest advice can grow to have a big impact. In the business world, it’s not uncommon for aspiring entrepreneurs (and seasoned ones) to have someone they look up to or whom they hope to be like one day. While this person can often be a fellow entrepreneur or business leader, they can also be an everyday person — someone in their family, a friend or an inspiring acquaintance. Regardless of their role, their wisdom can have a profound effect on their ability to lead and have the confidence to do so. Below, 10 business leaders from Rolling Stone Culture Council share the lessons they’ve learned from powerful female leaders in their life or their industry, the impact those lessons had on them and why these lessons remain so important to them today.

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You can tackle more than you think — as long as you plan properly. After finding success in one business, entrepreneurs will often dip their toes in one or more other businesses, either as the founder, a board member or in another leadership capacity. While this can be very rewarding to do, it can also be the cause of a lot of stress if not managed properly. Overlapping schedules, a bursting to-do list and not nearly enough time for everything that needs to get done can quickly turn a rewarding endeavor into an overwhelming one. So how do serial entrepreneurs do it? According to the business leaders of Rolling Stone Culture Council, the secret lies in the following 12 tips. Here, they expand on each one, offering up their best advice for any aspiring entrepreneur on how to juggle multiple businesses and responsibilities at the same time.

Mar 19, 2024
Real stories from my experience paint a clear picture of what you should — and shouldn't — do during the casting process.

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A personal touch can go a long way toward making your customers happy. As their business grows, it’s all too easy for business owners to get swept up in the numbers and forget that there are real people behind their profits. If they want to continue to succeed, it’s key that they make their customers feel valued and that they truly care about them and their experience with the brand. There are a multitude of ways to do this, from simply listening to customer feedback to providing excellent customer service, but it’s often a combination of methods that makes the biggest difference in how customers feel. Below, the business leaders of Rolling Stone Culture Council draw on their experiences working with customers to offer up seven of the top ways businesses can make customers feel valued and ensure they return to your business again and again.

Feb 26, 2024
Sometimes when we are too close to ourselves and our situations, causing us to become narrow-minded, judgmental, accusatory and, frankly, not a team player.

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Artificial intelligence may be the most important tool in your business tool belt. While artificial intelligence and its ongoing implementation in the business world remains a controversial topic, there are many business leaders and professionals who are finding ways to use AI to optimize their daily work and improve their overall business processes. As a tool, artificial intelligence is more than just a time-saver — but how can it be best utilized? Here, seven business leaders and innovators from Rolling Stone Culture Council offer up a few suggestions. Below, they each discuss some of the smartest ways they’re leveraging AI for their own businesses and why they recommend other business leaders follow suit. From streamlining data collection to predicting future consumer trends, AI has the potential to completely change the way you do business.

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If your business is failing, a poor partner relationship could be to blame. Regardless of whether you’re best friends, family members, industry colleagues or anything else, two people always enter into a business partnership hoping to leverage each other’s strengths and build a successful business together. However, real life may not always play out so smoothly. If your business isn’t doing as well as you’d hoped — or is even failing — but you can’t seem to find the root cause, you may consider looking at the state of your business partnership. From disagreeing on core values to avoiding each other entirely, issues within your relationship with your business partner can have a direct effect on the way your business runs and, ultimately, whether or not it succeeds. If you find yourself questioning whether or not you and your business partner are as compatible as you thought, look for these seven signs as outlined by the business leaders of Rolling Stone Culture Council, and then determine whether you can heal your relationship or whether it would be beneficial to part ways.

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Scaling sustainably is all about the right timing. Running a business is all about taking risks, and so it may not always be clear when or how you should make a move. However, that doesn’t mean business is a guessing game. With data, personal experience or the experience of others at your disposal, you can make smart, educated decisions about the steps your business should take next. When it comes to scaling your business, though, timing is everything. Thankfully, there are signs you can watch for that will help you determine the best time to expand and the right speed of growth. Below, the business leaders of Rolling Stone Culture Council offer their guidance as they discuss seven signs that it may in fact be time to scale your business and what a leader should do upon noticing any of these signs.

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Your team needs a clear plan of action if they’re going to help you succeed. Individuals aren't the only ones setting resolutions for the new year. Throughout the month of January, even business leaders are reviewing their major goals for the year, setting timelines and creating plans for how to achieve them. Without such plans, business leaders aren’t likely to see success, as it takes intentional effort from them and their teams to accomplish the potentially challenging tasks they’ve set before them. To ensure you’re setting you and your business up for success in 2024, taking the following 11 steps can be a good place to start. Here, Rolling Stone Culture Council business leaders each suggest one thing their fellow business leaders can do to ensure they meet their goals for 2024 and beyond.

You give away your data on a daily basis — consider carefully where you want it to go.

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Boost your marketing efforts by ensuring your data collection is effective and efficient. When it comes to properly marketing to your customers, data is king. Armed with information regarding who is buying their products, from where and why, companies can make smart decisions about how to continue marketing to this audience and how to try marketing to any new ones they might want to reach. But if you’re not collecting the right data, or if you’re not collecting it in the most effective way, an overload of information can actually be more harmful than helpful. To ensure you make the best use of your resources and time when collecting consumer data, the business leaders of Rolling Stone Culture Council have a few ideas that can help you succeed. Here, they discuss their insights around how to better coordinate consumer data collection so it's actually useful to you and your team, as well as their best tips and tricks for doing so.

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Leveraging contractors can be a great move for your business if you set them up for success. Whether they're writing content for your website or editing your social media videos, freelancers and contractors can be a major help to growing businesses. However, like any part- or full-time employee, they need to be set up for success in order to help your business achieve its goals. Whether through detailed communication or resources and support, treating freelancers like you would any permanent staff member ensures they’re able to do their best work. For further guidance, consider the following advice from the business leaders of Rolling Stone Culture Council. Below, they share useful tips for building positive working relationships with your freelancers and explain why doing so is so key to the success of your company.

Jan 3, 2024
In this follow-up article, find inspiration to approach problem-solving by being human, in addition to thinking human.

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Prime you and your business for a successful 2024 by taking these critical steps. The start of a new year can be the perfect time for business leaders to start fresh. Whether it’s reevaluating their processes, trying something new or finding ways to reengage their staff, employers can use this time to learn from any mistakes or successes of the previous year and set themselves up for a better year ahead. But to do so, they may want to consider the following advice from the members of Rolling Stone Culture Council first. Here, they each discuss one business goal they have for the new year and explain why other businesses might want to work toward the same goal if they want their business to succeed in 2024.

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To better engage with your customers, you’ll need to think like them first. As companies begin reflecting on the past year and planning for the next one, they’re likely setting goals for the new year and the steps they need to take in order to better their company and their bottom line. For many companies, that means working on customer communication and engagement. As the way companies treat their customers can have a huge impact on overall customer interest and loyalty to a brand, ensuring helpful, consistent communication and regular engagement is critical to increasing sales. But improving your communication with customers isn’t as easy as just answering their questions. Here, the business leaders of Rolling Stone Culture Council share nine tips for improving your customer communication and engagement in 2024 and why doing so can help you start your year off on a positive note.

Storing key documents and other files is closely intertwined with a creator's success and should be reviewed carefully.

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If you want more customers, you have to ensure they feel represented in your marketing first. No matter whether they’re marketing a product or a service, companies have to appeal to what their audiences want. In today’s world, that means diversity. Customers like to see themselves in advertising, as it allows them to envision themselves using the particular product or service and to understand how it might benefit them specifically. But customers can’t feel represented if marketers aren’t considering diversity in the first place. While many companies have gotten on board with diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in their marketing, many others are still struggling to make the right changes. As business leaders in the culture space, the members of Rolling Stone Culture Council have advice to share when it comes to DEI. Here, they discuss eight ways business leaders can ensure they're being thoughtful about diversity, equity and inclusion in their marketing and why it's so important to do so.

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Without any reviews, you’ll need to pique customers’ interest in other ways. Positive reviews are essential to driving new customers to your business, as customers are more likely to buy something if they know plenty of others have tried and liked it before them. But when you're just starting out, you don't yet have any reviews to give you credibility, and this can be a major roadblock when it comes to getting your sales numbers off the ground. So what can a new business owner do to elevate brand awareness? Below, eight business leaders from Rolling Stone Culture Council offer their best advice to new entrepreneurs on how to encourage sales with few or no reviews and get their businesses started on the right track.

Nov 14, 2023
This short list can position you for a successful launch and help your brand stand the test of time.

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Making your clients feel seen can go a long way toward creating relationships that last. Even if you have the top product or service in your niche, nothing quite makes an impact on your bottom line like positive client relationships. A terrible experience with customer service, or just poor customer service in general, can often be enough to turn customers off your business for good — and ensure negative word-of-mouth spreads as they go. Creating and maintaining positive client relationships, then, is vital to amassing a loyal, supportive group of customers. To get started, consider the following tips from the business leaders of Rolling Stone Culture Council. Here, they each share one tip they’d give any business leader for how to nurture positive client relationships and why.

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Even in business, hindsight is 20/20. Experience is often the best teacher — especially in business. Unfortunately, that can often mean aspiring entrepreneurs start out making a lot of mistakes, valuing the wrong things and not considering certain factors that could eventually make or break their business. But while you may not be able to skip ahead when it comes to your experience, the next best way to learn is from those who have taken the same journey before. Whether it’s via a mentor or a best-selling business book, listening to the advice of others can keep you from making the same mistakes they did — and inspire you to forge new paths. To weigh in with the wisdom they’ve gleaned over the years, seven business leaders from Rolling Stone Culture Council discuss the lessons they wish they would have learned before they launched their businesses and why.

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The key to making your business stand out lies in how well you know your viewers. Whether you’re creating a video ad or an educational "how-to" video for your business, there are just some creative tactics that seem to lend themselves well to the video format. Taking advantage of these tactics is critical in an age where getting someone to stop scrolling through their social media feed is key to getting your business noticed. So what can you do to stop the scroll? Here, 12 business leaders from Rolling Stone Culture Council discuss their best tips for creating something that will make viewers stop scrolling, engage with your video and, ultimately, become a patron of your brand.

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Cutting costs might mean adding smarter solutions. As the cost of doing business rises, more and more business leaders are looking for ways to save money across their operations. Whether it’s quick fixes like eliminating unused subscriptions and tech or more long-term plays like retaining loyal talent, there are seemingly limitless cost-cutting measures you can employ to give your budget a little more wiggle room. To offer up their own recommendations, the business leaders of Rolling Stone Culture Council outline the top money-saving tips that have worked for them and explain why other businesses should implement these strategies for themselves.

In the creative industry and beyond, it takes clear attention to detail and preparedness to meet interviews head-on.

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Try out one of these expert-recommended tips for a more successful end of year. The holidays is arguably the most fast-paced season of the year for businesses, as customers are focused on getting great deals and finding the perfect gifts for their loved ones. For business leaders, it’s the perfect time to try to slow down and connect with customers on a different level — as well as remind them why they love your products or services. Because determining how best to market your business during the holidays can require a little more creativity than perhaps other times of the year, eight members of Rolling Stone Culture Council chime in with their advice below. Consider implementing some of the following initiatives these business leaders found success with or use their ideas to inspire some holiday cheer of your own.

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If you’re planning a return-to-office mandate, it may not be easy to get everyone on board. Companies are continuing to mandate a return to the office — including, controversially, Zoom itself — and many employees are not happy about this push. For many employees, the work-from-home policy they enjoyed during the pandemic gave them the much-needed ability to balance their work and personal lives, and many found they were more productive at home than in the office. These benefits they hoped would continue into the future, so companies calling employees back to the office are naturally receiving some pushback. To help get employees on board, company leaders will need to reconsider old policies and procedures and update their offices to suit the needs of employees today. Here, the leaders of Rolling Stone Culture Council outline these steps and discuss the importance of turning unhappy employees into happy ones.

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Good ideas start with open-minded teams. While any one person can be a particularly good problem solver or a master of creativity, leveraging the power of a group and the multiple minds within it can often unleash some of your company’s best ideas. However, when not handled in the right way, what could have been a productive brainstorming session can easily turn into a quiet room or an argument among colleagues. To ensure your team’s next round of brainstorming yields promising results, consider the following advice from the business leaders of Rolling Stone Culture Council. Here, they share their insights on how to open your team’s minds, encourage them to speak up and generate thoughtful, actionable ideas.

These are only some of the tools you can use to communicate your story to the world in new ways.

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Before you tackle your business alone, consider this advice first. Running a business on your own comes with an abundance of benefits — the ability to determine your own schedule, the freedom to make decisions based on your own ideas and the opportunity to work on whatever projects you find interesting. However, being a solopreneur or solo creator also means you’re the only one responsible for starting and growing your company, which can be a lot of pressure for one person to handle. As business leaders, the members of Rolling Stone Culture Council are familiar with what it takes to build a brand from the ground up. Below, they each offer up one tip for solopreneurs and creators looking to start their own brands, grow them and succeed as leaders in the culture space.

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Generative AI might be just the tool you need to improve your business operations. Thanks to recent advancements in technology, businesses can access a myriad of tools and strategies to reach new realms of growth and efficiency. Among these transformative technologies, generative AI tools like ChatGPT are becoming increasingly commonplace, helping users quickly gather information and generate content. However, as with any emerging technology, users may not always understand the best way to leverage generative AI. Below, Rolling Stone Culture Council members share how they've used generative AI to assist in their business endeavors and how they recommend other leaders follow suit.

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Failure can be one of life's greatest teachers. At one time or another, every leader will experience some degree of professional failure. While the experience can be disappointing or frustrating, it can also serve as a powerful teacher, imparting valuable lessons that can shape one's views or career trajectory. If you've experienced failure in your professional journey, know that you're not alone — and you're not down for the count. Below, 12 members of Rolling Stone Culture Council share the biggest lessons they've learned from professional failure and the lasting impact of that hard-earned wisdom.

Building your sound and marketing yourself go hand in hand.

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Consider these pivotal factors when partnering up for a campaign. Partnering with the right creative agency can be the difference between a lackluster campaign and a resounding success. As businesses seek to captivate audiences in more innovative ways, the selection of a suitable agency becomes a critical decision. But how does one discern the ideal match amid a sea of options? Here, Rolling Stone Culture Council members explain the crucial factors that demand your attention when evaluating potential creative agency partners. From a track record of creativity and adaptability to a shared understanding of the brand's vision, navigating these considerations can pave the way for fruitful and inspiring collaborations.

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Unravel the mystery behind plummeting sales. Experiencing a sudden and significant drop in sales can be a distressing ordeal for any business owner. When faced with this challenging situation, it is crucial to act swiftly and decisively to diagnose the root causes and implement effective solutions. By understanding the reasons behind the decline in sales, businesses can make informed decisions and deploy targeted measures to reinvigorate growth and reclaim their competitive edge. Below, 10 Rolling Stone Culture Council members explore essential steps to troubleshoot sales slumps, enabling businesses to identify underlying issues and devise strategies to reverse any downward trends.

While there are a number of factors to consider, take time to ask questions and seek a professional opinion to ensure you're ready to make the right decision.

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By resolving creative differences, you can unlock the potential of collaborative leadership. In a dynamic culture space, clashes of creative visions are inevitable among leaders in the business. These differences can stem from varying perspectives, artistic preferences or strategic approaches, among other reasons. However, resolving such conflicts and finding common ground is crucial for maintaining a harmonious and productive work environment. Below, Rolling Stone Culture Council leaders explore practical tips and strategies to navigate creative differences and foster collaborative solutions that honor diverse viewpoints in the workplace.

Jul 24, 2023
To better understand the casting process and take action to improve your chances of landing the job you want, it's important to think like a casting director.

Jul 3, 2023
Here are a few ways you can prompt yourself to think human when in a tough situation.

expert panel
When it comes to promoting your business, a well-crafted pitch can make all the difference. In the competitive landscape of public relations, understanding how to develop a good pitch for your business is essential. From telling a compelling story to leveraging effective data and statistics, the content and delivery of your pitch could help your company stand out from the countless other pitches members of the media receive every day. Below, 12 Rolling Stone Culture Council members delve into the crucial points you should keep in mind when working on public relations for your business. Here's why these elements are fundamental in capturing the interest and attention of both journalists and your target audience.

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Host the most memorable summer event this year by following these essential entertainment tips. Summertime brings a vibrant array of festivals, outdoor events, fairs, concerts and more. This means hosting a successful event during this lively season requires careful planning and attention to detail to make it stand out. Here, Rolling Stone Culture Council members share the factors that contribute to a flourishing summertime event, from engaging activities to a focus on the attendee experience, and the steps you’ll need to take to create one. By understanding the importance of these components and incorporating them into the planning process, event organizers can create an unforgettable experience that leaves attendees thrilled, satisfied and eagerly looking forward to the next one.

Here are the top six phrases to keep in mind when trying to communicate in a high-pressure or bullying situation.

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Digital marketing is changing constantly, but experts believe these shifts could have a major impact on campaign effectiveness. As a marketing leader, your primary goal is to ensure your campaigns connect with the intended target market. This task is easier said than done in a world of shrinking consumer attention spans and competing digital communication channels. However, modern marketing is ever-evolving, and certain changes in trends and tools could make a big difference for marketers who want to improve their reach and see more results. Below, nine Rolling Stone Culture Council members explore some key shifts in the digital marketing realm that could help companies better connect with their audiences.

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Ensure the success of your startup by following these 12 tips to build the best possible team through effective hiring practices. Building a successful startup requires assembling a team of talented individuals who can contribute to its growth and navigate the challenges of the early stages. However, hiring the right people for a startup can be a daunting task. It requires a strategic approach to identify individuals who not only possess the necessary skills but also align with the company's vision and culture. Below, Rolling Stone Culture Council members shared some essential tips for bringing on the right people to help grow a startup in its early stages. These insights will empower entrepreneurs to make informed hiring decisions that lay a solid foundation for long-term success.

expert panel
Customer engagement is key to the success of any marketing campaign. Discover how to drum up excitement and participation in your next initiative. From social media giveaways to local in-store contests, businesses have found innovative ways to spark customer engagement around their marketing initiatives. Regardless of what specific approach is used, it's crucial for businesses to not only capture attention but also create a sense of excitement and involvement among customers. However, leaders may not always be sure of the best way to drive that engagement. To help entrepreneurs and business leaders looking to drum up engagement around a specific marketing initiative, 13 members of Rolling Stone Culture Council shared their expert insights. Read on to discover their best strategies for increasing customer engagement and why they're effective in driving success.

expert panel
From prioritizing necessary but high-cost items to leveraging technology, learn more about how to manage costs wisely while scaling your business. When it comes to scaling a business, managing finances effectively is crucial for success. As a business grows, so do its expenses, and without careful management, costs can quickly spiral out of control. But how can you keep costs under control while expanding your business? Below, Rolling Stone Culture Council members share expert tips and insights for managing costs wisely when scaling your business. From tracking expenses to optimizing processes and negotiating with suppliers, these strategies can help you build a sustainable business while keeping your finances in check.

Let's talk about more pieces of the casting puzzle that may help you book or better understand the dynamics.

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Companies must strive to be flexible and adaptable to remain relevant and competitive. Consumer and cultural interests have undergone significant shifts over the years, influencing businesses in various ways. Remaining agile and responsive to changing consumer and cultural interests is essential for businesses that want to succeed in today's dynamic marketplace, as a failure to do so could result in missed opportunities and diminished customer trust. Below, a panel of Rolling Stone Culture Council members share nine tips for how your business can stay on top of changing consumer and cultural interests and the impact they have on the overall business climate.

expert panel
With a business strategy centered around sustainability, brands can attract consumers and increase their bottom lines. As sustainability becomes a prominent topic of discussion, environmentally conscious consumers are actively seeking out companies that align with their values. Because of this increasing concern for environmental issues among consumers, businesses are now recognizing the need to show their dedication to eco-friendly practices. Below, Rolling Stone Culture Council members share practical steps businesses can take to demonstrate their commitment to the environment and eco-friendly policies. From incorporating sustainable materials in their products to implementing energy-efficient measures in their operations, these efforts not only benefit the planet but also have a positive impact on their bottom line.

Knowing how to self-tape can give you a slighter edge over someone who does not — in connecting, being heard and closing a deal.

expert panel
With Q1 behind them, business leaders can use Q2 as an opportunity to look ahead at what they want to achieve by mid-year. The second quarter of the year is a great time for business leaders to take stock of their progress and set goals for the months ahead. Whether you're looking to boost sales, improve operations or expand your team, it's important to have a plan in place to make the most of Q2. But where do you start? Below, Rolling Stone Culture Council members share their tips and strategies for starting Q2 off on the right foot. From assessing company performance to refining your business objectives, these insights can help you drive growth and achieve your goals.

expert panel
Being confident in who you are can go a long way toward ensuring your success. While the number of female CEOs in the U.S.—around one third of all chief executive officers—still pales in comparison to the number of male CEOs, entrepreneurship provides a great opportunity for women to get their start at the top. However, leading a business still presents challenges, especially in male-dominated industries. To help shed some light on these obstacles—and how to overcome them—12 members of Rolling Stone Culture Council each share one piece of advice they'd give fellow female entrepreneurs or aspiring business owners for how to be successful in business and why.

Building a vision is an ongoing process that can be approached in a number of ways.

expert panel
Despite rising prices across all industries, consumers will still spend money on the brands they love if they have a good reason. In times of economic uncertainty, consumers are more cautious with their spending and may be less likely to make impulsive or nonessential purchases. This can be particularly challenging for businesses that rely on these types of consumer purchases to drive sales. However, there are strategies that companies can employ to encourage customers to continue buying from their brands, even when money is tight. By building trust, offering value and providing exceptional customer service, companies can create a loyal customer base that will stick with them through both good times and bad. Below, a panel of Rolling Stone Culture Council members explain how to do this for your own business.

expert panel
At a time when most businesses are in "survival mode," it can pay to be the one that's taking risks and innovating. Running a business in the middle of a lingering pandemic, rising costs and the threat of a recession can be a daunting task for any leader. With survival as the top priority, the idea of experimenting and breaking the mold can seem like a luxury that cannot be afforded. However, businesses that want to stay relevant and competitive must continue to innovate and explore new ideas. Below, 10 Rolling Stone Culture Council members discuss some practical ways that leaders can continue to experiment and break the mold while still keeping their businesses afloat during uncertain times. By implementing these strategies, businesses can not only survive but also thrive in the face of adversity.

Feb 23, 2023
Let me share with you what I've experienced so you can assess what works for you when it comes to getting ahead in business.

expert panel
If you've spotted an employee who has "quiet quit" their job, it's not too late to turn things around. In today's fast-paced and competitive work environment, retaining employees has become increasingly challenging. One growing phenomenon that has added to this challenge is the concept of "quiet quitting" — employees who have disengaged from their work but are still physically present in the workplace. Companies often struggle to identify and address this issue, which can lead to decreased productivity, increased turnover and a negative work environment. Below, a panel of Rolling Stone Culture Council members offer some practical advice for reengaging and motivating employees who may be quietly quitting, along with strategies for preventing this phenomenon from happening in the first place.

expert panel
Getting noticed in the increasingly crowded social media realm can be challenging, but there are a few effective strategies that can help. Social media is saturated with accounts for businesses and individuals alike, making it hard to get noticed. However, discoverability plays a large role in driving sales and attracting new customers. Though the task may seem daunting, an overhaul of your team's content creation may be necessary to expand your reach, whether this means shifting strategies or focusing on specific projects. To help, a group of Rolling Stone Culture Council experts share their best tips for businesses looking to boost discoverability on social media in 2023.

Each road takes you down a path, but which one gets you where you want to go? Let’s start there. What goals are you seeking with a film festival?

expert panel
Before getting carried away with an exciting new idea, it's important to confirm it makes business sense to pursue it. The start of a new year is the perfect opportunity to take big risks and implement fresh ideas in your business. But the excitement of a new idea shouldn't distract from the need to confirm whether or not the idea is a viable one. Research must be conducted to determine whether the product will perform as well as anticipated in a given market and that consumers actually want or need what you’re offering them. To help get you started, 10 Rolling Stone Culture Council members share some important steps to help you and your team take an idea beyond the initial "excitement" phase.

Jan 12, 2023
When you pitch a project, you need to know what you’re pitching, who you’re pitching to and what is going on around you.

expert panel
When applied to business, storytelling can serve as an incredible tool for marketing, pitching, developing thought leadership and more. Storytelling is an incredibly important art form for business leaders to master. After all, a compelling story is often what convinces many consumers to purchase a business's products or services. By crafting and presenting a relatable story, businesses are able to connect in a more personal way with consumers, employees and investors, thereby increasing sales and investment opportunities, improving their thought leadership status and creating brand loyalty. Below, 12 Rolling Stone Culture Council members discuss how to hone your business storytelling skills and why these methods are so effective.

expert panel
The end of the year is an ideal time to reflect on what you've learned and how you can apply it to your business moving forward. One of the most important aspects of an end-of-year review is assessing what went right and what went wrong for your business. Setting expectations for the following year based on those statistics helps ensure that your company continues to improve. Here, a panel of Rolling Stone Culture Council members share the most valuable lessons they learned over the past 12 months and the key takeaways they'll implement in their businesses in 2023.

Dec 9, 2022
Today there are infinite possibilities with editing and story.

expert panel
There's a lot of commercial "noise" during the busy holiday season, but these strategies can help your business stand out. One of the most effective ways to draw customers to your online or brick-and-mortar retail store is to create promotions they will engage with. Tying those promotions into the holiday season can help you bring in even more customers and finish out the year on a high note. But with so many competing ad campaigns and discounts throughout the last few months of the year, you'll need to find a holiday initiative that will set your business apart from its competitors. Below, nine Rolling Stone Culture Council members share some holiday promotions that have worked for their teams and why your business might want to replicate them this season.

Nov 18, 2022
In episodic storytelling, you want people to come back to watch the next episode.

expert panel
Customer education must be approached with the right tone and content to be effective. Sometimes, customers may be interested in your product or service, but if it seems too complicated or difficult to understand, they may not follow through with a purchase. Conveying information in a simple, concise and fun way can help educate the customer without the need for a long, complicated or boring explanation. Whether you publish an FAQ page or create a short explainer video, it's important to keep your customer interested while making sure they understand the nuances of your product or service. Below, a panel of Rolling Stone Culture Council members share 12 effective approaches to customer education any business leader can leverage.

expert panel
In an industry that moves at breakneck speeds, it helps to have some coping strategies when you're feeling stressed out. Whether you own a bustling restaurant, are involved in the ever-changing fashion or music businesses or are trying to advocate for change on a major scale, working in the culture space often involves a hectic lifestyle. While it's an exciting space to be in, it can often be fast-paced and overwhelming, which can quickly lead to stress and burnout. Managing stress can be done in many different ways, from taking small breaks throughout the day to prioritizing passions outside of work. Below, a panel of Rolling Stone Culture Council members share some ways they unwind from the pressures of their industry and how doing so keeps them at the top of their professional game.

expert panel
The key to modern employee retention really isn’t a secret at all. At a time when employees are leaving their jobs en masse, it can be challenging to maintain your top workers. Employees today are more comfortable quitting a job in search of something better, so if your business doesn't meet their expectations, you might be struggling to fill several suddenly open positions. Having committed, long-term employees helps with overall production speeds and cultivates a positive work environment. So with advice like listening to employee feedback and creating individualized success plans, 11 Rolling Stone Culture Council members share their "secrets" to employee retention and why these strategies work so well.

Oct 4, 2022
There are some things that can make it hard to do business.

expert panel
A diverse workforce doesn't happen accidentally — you need the right recruiting strategies to bring different types of candidates in the door. Over the years, the movement for increased diversity in the workplace has picked up significant momentum. Having a diverse team offers businesses a variety of perspectives, allowing for increased innovation and problem solving, while also increasing employee engagement and brand reputation. In most cases, building a pipeline of diverse job candidates requires intentional efforts at the recruitment level. To help you achieve this goal, eight members of Rolling Stone Culture Council share their best strategies to promote a broader range of candidates in your applicant pool.

expert panel
Staying autonomous as your business scales up requires a strong understanding of yourself and your mission — and trust in your team to carry out that mission. If you're an independent creator, you may be considering scaling your business. While scaling is a great way to increase your presence and profit, it also often requires bringing other people into the mix — a significant adjustment when you're accustomed to working independently. Fortunately, it is possible to grow your brand without losing sight of your original creative vision. To help, the members of Rolling Stone Culture Council share 11 tips to help you scale your business while still maintaining your autonomy.

expert panel
If you're looking into affiliate marketing programs, make sure you understand these essential steps to success. By now, it’s likely that every social media user has seen YouTube stars, Instagram influencers and other popular content creators asking their followers to use their affiliate links when purchasing from a business. That's because an affiliate marketing program is an optimal way for businesses to usher in leads and make additional profit. With websites and a bountiful number of social media platforms, businesses can partner with influencers, celebrities and even other businesses to create a program that benefits all parties. However, this marketing strategy has to be approached the right way. Below, 11 members of Rolling Stone Culture Council share the tips they believe are key to a successful affiliate marketing program.

It's vital for leaders and creatives (especially in cultural industries) to go on adventures.

expert panel
Despite a high volume of competing events, there are ways to ensure your gathering leaves a lasting impression on attendees. In the early months of the pandemic, businesses attempted to make their newly virtual events memorable experiences. As in-person events have made their way back onto people’s calendars, these same businesses are now searching for ways to make their next in-person event immersive while exceeding industry standards. Luckily, businesses have plenty of ways they can plan a memorable event, regardless of the audience size or location. To help, 10 members of Rolling Stone Culture Council offer tips to make your next event the talk of the online (and offline) sphere.

expert panel
There's always room for more creators and artists — you just have to know how to market yourself. With more social media platforms available than ever before, influencers, artists and content creators have multiple blank canvases ready for the taking. However, all these options may leave new creators unsure of where to begin with their brand promotion strategy. While it's easy to daydream about amassing hundreds of thousands of followers and "going viral" overnight, effectively growing your social media presence requires thoughtful planning and a strategic approach. To that end, 10 members of Rolling Stone Culture Council provide their best advice for new content creators who are ready to showcase and promote their brands on social media.

expert panel
A leader’s mindset can make a huge difference in how well a business succeeds during times of uncertainty. The business world can often feel like a roller coaster with unpredictable ups and downs. While it's easy for business leaders to stay positive during the good times, it can be harder to keep that same attitude when the going gets tough. Cultivating the right mindset can help leaders better navigate challenges and have a greater appreciation for the victories. If you're looking for a boost of positivity, the members of Rolling Stone Culture Council share their tried-and-true strategies for staying positive no matter the external circumstances.

Aug 19, 2022
What are your motivations for submitting your content?

expert panel
If innovation is your goal, you need creativity to flow freely throughout your organization. Industries that rely on constant innovation need leaders who are able to foster creativity among their teams. However, it can be difficult to feel creative all the time, especially in an office setting. Getting out of the office, meeting new people and sharing ideas with others are just a few ways that team members can find that creativity again. Below, 11 Rolling Stone Culture Council members share these strategies and more that have helped them effectively encourage creativity among their employees.

Jul 26, 2022
In 5D, all of your senses are considered in how a story unfolds.

Jul 1, 2022
Read and understand what you are signing before you sign.

expert panel
Slow growth may seem counterintuitive, but it could actually lead you to greater success. When you first get into business, you may think you need to build your business and turn a profit as fast as you can, but according to the members of Rolling Stone Culture Council, there’s certainly an argument — or at least 12 — to be made for slow growth. While growing quickly may seem like the fastest way to reach success, slowing down and taking your time may actually be the key to long-term sustainability. Below, each member explains one reason why you should opt for growing slowly when building your business and why they believe that’s the best path for success.

When you get the call that your venue is closing its doors, it can feel like the ground has opened up beneath your feet.

expert panel
To rediscover your passion, you might first need to rediscover yourself. When asked why they started their businesses, many entrepreneurs would answer that they were passionate about the product, service or cause their business represented. But along the way, between the day-to-day grind and the stress of leadership, that passion can tend to fade, and those same entrepreneurs may find themselves questioning why they continue to do what they do. While this loss of passion isn’t uncommon, it can feel demotivating to those driven by entrepreneurial purpose. Thankfully, reigniting a passion can be as simple as taking one of the following nine steps. Consider this list of steps recommended by the members of Rolling Stone Culture Council to take back your passion and set yourself on a new path toward happiness and fulfillment.

expert panel
Starting off in these locations can give businesses a better chance at success. While many businesses are moving online, there are many others that thrive by being location-based. Those in the culture space especially — businesses centered around media, food, music, fashion, art and more — can benefit from planting roots in a particular environment or local hot spot, whether it’s to plug in to the existing culture or to gain a certain customer base. Below, the members of Rolling Stone Culture Council discuss where they would get their start if they were opening new culture-based businesses today and why they recommend others consider these ideal locations too.

Your content is an extension of yourself — and social media is where you need to be building your brand.

expert panel
A new perspective could make a big impact on customer satisfaction. When interacting with customers or clients, there may be times when business leaders wish they could switch places with their customers, if only so the customers could view situations from their perspective. With their roles reversed, customers may develop a better understanding of why something went wrong or why certain things are the way they are, hopefully leading to greater customer satisfaction in the end. But while entrepreneurs and customers can’t really switch places, they can share their points of view. Below, nine business leaders from Rolling Stone Culture Council each shared one fact they wish all customers knew about running a business and the impact they think that knowledge would have.

Apr 27, 2022
Grace, grit and accountability are necessary for climbing the ladder of success.

expert panel
There are a myriad of fresh ways to get the word out to potential customers. Coming up with a business idea, building a product or service line and designing a website are all vitally important steps to getting a business off the ground — but they’re only the first steps. In order to truly have success with any business, you’ll need to drum up some positive publicity to help get your business noticed and get new customers through the door. Luckily, there are plenty of ways you can go about earning positive publicity, and if one way isn’t providing the results you desire, you can simply move on to the next. Below, the members of Rolling Stone Culture Council offer their top creative ways to drum up positive publicity to help get you started.

Mar 30, 2022
Every talent “package” in the film industry is different.

Feb 14, 2022
Put in the work and stay the course.

expert panel
All it takes is the right idea to build positive connections. At a time when so many of us have been forced apart, industries of all sorts — from gaming to food to music as well as cannabis — have sought out ways to bring people back together and build back the connections we felt were lost. Below, a group of Rolling Stone Culture Council members explain the ways that they and their companies have worked to bring people together during the past two years of illness, shutdowns and quarantines and how they’re continuing to focus on those relationships now.

Jan 20, 2022
There is a saying in the business: Leave them wanting more.

expert panel
A little gratitude can go a long way in business. Happy customers are the fuel necessary to run any successful business.To help them is the main reason why many entrepreneurs continue doing what they’re doing. And when you build a loyal community of customers, you set yourself up with long-term support. One way to build that loyal following is to show your appreciation for your customers on a regular basis. When customers can feel your gratitude, it helps them feel like their voices are being heard and like they aren’t just a number on a profit report. Gratitude can come in many forms, however, so to help you find the method that suits you best, the members of Rolling Stone Culture Council list their top strategies below.

Dec 15, 2021
As creatives and artists, we are so close to our creations, but do we make sense when we pitch our ideas?

expert panel
You can’t grow your business without facing a few obstacles along the way. Leading a business often comes with its own unique challenges, some more difficult to navigate than others. What separates great leaders from good ones is the ability to face those challenges, overcome them and come out stronger and wiser on the other side. No matter the challenge, there’s always a lesson to be learned that can either overwhelm you or help your business grow. But learning those lessons can often be a challenge in itself. Below, a panel of Rolling Stone Culture Council leaders detail the lessons they’ve learned from some of the most difficult business situations they’ve faced and how they became all the wiser for it.

Nov 5, 2021
Thinking more expansively about how you can use your creative talents to achieve your goals is crucial.

expert panel
Celebrate your big win while also earning your audience’s trust. Winning an award is a momentous occasion for any business or entrepreneur — and certainly cause to share with everyone you know. But this win doesn’t just have to be about celebration; it’s also a great opportunity to raise your brand’s status in the eyes of your customers. With these awards to back up your company’s credibility, potential customers will be more likely to view you as a quality, trusted source and be more willing to give you their business. But to truly leverage these accolades, you’ll first need to consider these tips recommended by the members of Rolling Stone Culture Council for how to use these awards to improve your online brand.

It all comes back to finding your fit.

Look for unique opportunities to showcase your work — you may be surprised by the reactions you get.

expert panel
By using tech intentionally, you can improve your business and the niche in which it operates. Technology at its best serves as a helpful aid to businesses, entrepreneurs and everyday people looking to improve the way they function day to day. But simply using technology won’t affect much change. Those who really succeed are those who know how to leverage technology intentionally, incorporating it into thoughtful practices that could eventually turn into innovation for their business or even their industry as a whole. Below, a panel of Rolling Stone Culture Council members share some of the ways in which they’re leveraging technology to improve the success of their businesses in their space.

Aug 30, 2021
The first thing to always figure out is: What do you have?

expert panel
These brands are great examples of how to tell your story right. Effective branding occurs when a consumer can think of a company and an image immediately comes to mind. These companies can evoke certain feelings and produce certain thoughts in customers’ minds all while telling a story well enough to convince those customers they need that product or service. All of these elements are what make a brand memorable, and to achieve that status for your company, you’ll need to study other successful brands. To help you, the members of Rolling Stone Culture Council shared a few examples of brands that really nailed their respective stories and how they did it.
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New Media Film Festival®
Company bio
As noted by SAG Winner, Emmy & Golden Globe nominee Matthew Modine, “New technologies have empowered and enabled creators outside of a studio or network system to make their own movies and develop cutting edge entertainment. Affordable cameras and editing software allow artists to create and express their skills for a multitude of new distribution platforms. We are presently witness to how storytelling is being redefined in the 21st Century. New Media Film Festival highlights and showcases what will come next."