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Adam Rumanek

FounderAux Mode Inc.

Toronto, ON, Canada

Member Since May 2021


Web Design


Entrepreneur. Author. Internet programmer. Since selling his first Internet company in the year 2000, Adam has created industry-lauded programs and companies in web, content, big data and next-generation technology. For over a decade, Adam has collaborated globally with corporations, governments, and NGOs, helping enable them to maximize the business potential of digital media platforms. In 2012, the eruption of YouTube – and the exponential population explosion of YouTubers – alerted Adam to the need for a Multi Channel Network (MCN) to help manage, monetize and protect users content from theft. His solution, and his next start-up venture, he named Aux Mode. Aux Mode is a digital rights management company specializing in film & TV content monetization, content protection, revenue reporting, insights, audits & on streaming platforms.

Published content

Six Metrics to Help You Determine the Success of a Social Media Campaign

expert panel

Here are a few ways to track success you may not have thought of. When it comes to meeting your customers where they are, getting on social media is likely a good place to start. But while more and more customers are shifting their browsing and shopping habits to social media, tracking the effectiveness and ROI of a social media campaign can be tricky. Attempting to determine how much money was made from “likes” or “comments” isn’t as straightforward as other forms of marketing, and this can be a major struggle for social media teams trying to prove their success.  However, money made isn’t the only way to define “success,” and there are other goals or milestones that may indicate customers are getting value from what you’re offering. If you’re struggling to find a return on one of your social media campaigns, consider tracking one of the following metrics, as suggested by the business leaders of Rolling Stone Culture Council. These key performance indicators may help you see your campaign in a whole new light.

12 Proven Processes for Identifying and Executing Business Goals

expert panel

Here's how to strategically create and follow through on your most important business goals. No matter what industry you're in, business success starts with identifying short- and long-term goals. However, it can be tricky to figure out exactly how to set and achieve those objectives. To help, Rolling Stone Culture Council business leaders share their goal-setting strategies and why these methods are effective. Follow their recommendations to help you refine your approach to achieving your business goals.

How Online Platforms Can Boost Artists' Reach


Would artists make money if they couldn't perform live?

Nine Reasons Why Business Leaders Need a Growth Mindset to Succeed

expert panel

Your willingness to learn and grow has a major impact on your ability to win in business. The business world is full of ups and downs. One day you’re succeeding, and the next day you’re not. This can be especially true of the culture space, where trends can change daily and consumers’ opinions evolve equally as fast. Entrepreneurs who develop a growth mindset — or the belief that persistence and effort lead to success — are more likely to thrive in this type of environment, making it an essential trait to cultivate for culture space leaders. As leaders in the culture space themselves, the members of Rolling Stone Culture Council know what it takes to succeed in today’s marketplace. Here, they discuss the top reasons why business leaders need a growth mindset and the impact that mindset has on their ability to lead well.

How to Create a Social Media Presence That Stands Up to the Competition's

expert panel

Cut through the noise by amplifying your unique story. Today, it seems that nearly everyone is on social media — and that includes businesses. With the majority of small businesses using social media to reach their audience, there’s a lot of competition when it comes to earning the attention of potential customers. This is why it’s so vital to find a way to stand out and cut through the digital noise. However, beyond creating viral videos or following the latest social media trend, there are a number of other, more meaningful ways to set your business apart. Here, nine business leaders from Rolling Stone Culture Council weigh in on some of the steps a business can take to ensure their social media presence stands out from the competition and engages their followers in a meaningful way.

12 Steps Entrepreneurs Should Take if They Want to Succeed in the Culture Space

expert panel

You may have to adapt your current business plan. Much like technology, culture can change at the drop of a hat. People’s tastes, what’s “in” and “the next big thing” are constantly evolving, whether in reaction to current events or the latest innovation in a particular industry. Those entrepreneurs hoping to make it in this space must be able to thrive in a changing environment, adapting their business when it’s needed and sticking to the plan when it’s not.  But this isn’t the only way to get ahead in the culture space. According to the business leaders of Rolling Stone Culture Council, embracing the following habits can give hopeful entrepreneurs a leg up on the competition and ensure they find true success in the culture space and their overall careers.

Company details

Aux Mode Inc.

Company bio

Digital Rights Management & Revenue Reporting Platform. Protecting your intellectual property (IP) rights from misuse on YouTube.



Area of focus

YouTube Content Distribution
YouTubeContent Monetization
YouTube Content Management

Company size

11 - 50