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Adrianne Fekete

FounderI Am Unbreakable™ Global Media

Toronto, ON, Canada


Media Relations


My name is Adrianne. I am an 8X founder, nationally recognized speaker, publisher, award-winning serial entrepreneur, the Rockstar Confidence™ Creator, a thought leader and a trust behavioural expert. My passion is empowering them with self-confidence mastery. For over two decades, I have had the privilege of serving as a confidence creator to thousands of individuals, communities and businesses.  When I am not creating Rockstar Confidence™ you will find me on a stage speaking about hot topics surrounding empowerment, entrepreneurship, leadership, relationships, vulnerability, forgiveness and trust.  As the first female in North America to own a private investigation and security agency, I know firsthand what it is like to be a human in a non-traditional industry. I believe it is the combination of a fearless mindset, resilience, and an old-school work ethic that led to my success. Every person brings value to every industry, enhancing innovation, growth and sustainability.  As the founder of I Am Unbreakable™ Global Media, my mission is to elevate and empower women to exceed their own expectations. Whether they are a founder, entrepreneur, CEO, trailblazer, disruptor, leading a ground-breaking venture, or creating positive change within their community or organization, everyone and every industry is welcome. I am dedicated to supporting women to unlock their full, super power potential, while inspiring them to be the rockstar they were born to be.

Published content

Eight Struggles You May Face When Raising Capital for Your Business

expert panel

To impress potential investors, put yourself in their shoes. One of the most difficult aspects of getting a business off the ground is finding the money to be able to do so. While there are a number of ways to fund a business — crowdsourcing, family and friends, investors, bootstrapping and more — each comes with their own pros and cons, benefits and challenges, meaning no one business will likely follow the same financial path.  However, there are a number of similar struggles you may face when trying to raise capital for your business that other seasoned entrepreneurs have also experienced. To share their own stories and advice, eight business leaders of Rolling Stone Culture Council weigh in on common fundraising challenges and what they would advise others do to avoid or overcome the same obstacles they faced themselves.

Hiring? Eight Steps to Help You Choose the Right Candidate

expert panel

To find the best candidate, you’ll need to get to know them on a deeper level. The right team can make or break your business. A team that gets along well can help your company innovate and stand out among your competition. On the flip side, a team that is dysfunctional can drag down morale and efficiency, creating internal problems that take away from the work at hand. While teams require a number of elements to function well — including a thoughtful manager — one way company leaders can ensure they’re setting their teams up for success is by hiring the right team members. But choosing the right person out of a pool of candidates can be a challenging task, so how can leaders determine if they’re making the right hires? Below, the business leaders of Rolling Stone Culture Council offer their advice, each weighing in with one step companies can take before and during the interview process to make sure the next hire they make will be the perfect one.

10 Lessons These Businesswomen Learned From Powerful Female Role Models

expert panel

Even the smallest advice can grow to have a big impact. In the business world, it’s not uncommon for aspiring entrepreneurs (and seasoned ones) to have someone they look up to or whom they hope to be like one day. While this person can often be a fellow entrepreneur or business leader, they can also be an everyday person — someone in their family, a friend or an inspiring acquaintance. Regardless of their role, their wisdom can have a profound effect on their ability to lead and have the confidence to do so. Below, 10 business leaders from Rolling Stone Culture Council share the lessons they’ve learned from powerful female leaders in their life or their industry, the impact those lessons had on them and why these lessons remain so important to them today.

Eight Smart Ways New Business Owners Can Quickly Increase Sales

expert panel

Building a business can be a slow process — but it doesn’t always have to be. One of the most difficult parts of starting a new business is getting sales. When you first start out, you’re still trying to find customers to purchase your product or service, so sales can often take a while to really ramp up — even if you’ve found a few repeat customers. But such a slow start can be frustrating, especially when you’re not yet making a profit or breaking even.  While growing a business is often a test in patience, there are ways you can speed up the process and increase your sales at a quicker pace. According to the business and culture leaders of Rolling Stone Culture Council, implementing any of the following eight tips can give your business the major boost it needs to attract more customers, quickly increase sales and really get your budding business off the ground.

Building a Website? Nine Considerations Business Owners Should Make

expert panel

Prioritizing your website is prioritizing the happiness of your customers. A website is, more or less, the “face” of any business. It’s where your customers can learn more about your brand and products, where they can peruse your offerings and, if you’re an online-only brand, it’s the only opportunity they have to make a purchase. Because of this, business leaders who don’t put a high priority on both the beauty and functionality of their websites are at a distinct disadvantage among their competition, and potential customers may not stick around long with a poor user experience. To ensure your business website meets and exceeds customer expectations, you’ll need to consider the following nine factors, as suggested by the business leaders of Rolling Stone Culture Council. Here, they go in depth on the reasoning behind these considerations and why prioritizing them will have a positive impact on your visitors.

13 Steps to Owning Your Niche and Standing Out From the Competition

expert panel

Start with developing confidence in your business and what you have to offer. To be “the best in the business,” a business leader must first get intentional about owning their niche. This means finding ways to stand out from the competition, nailing down a distinct point of view and committing to learning and growing as a leader and as a business. While ignoring these steps, and others, may not mean a business will fail, it is likely that, as a result, the business will never rise to the top. Here, 13 members of Rolling Stone Culture Council elaborate further on the key steps business leaders will need to take if they really want to own their niche and why these particular strategies will ensure business success for a long time to come.

Company details

I Am Unbreakable™ Global Media

Company bio

The I Am Unbreakable™ culture represents a community of fearless, resilient human leaders who share their authentic, unfiltered stories about their dirt road to personal and professional success with their powerhouse mindset. Simply put, they always followed their dreams, regardless of obstacles or outside influences, because THE STRUGGLE IS PART OF THE STORY. That is where resilience and confidence start! We are so fortunate that we get to rewrite the next chapter and define what power we give the last one. The uniqueness comes from the diversity of the contributors, their industry background, and their experiences. This one-of-a-kind playbook highlights contributors, from all over the world, in every industry, who are coming together for one common mission. To be a part of the solution because empowered humans, empower humans,” says Founder, Adrianne Fekete. Our mission is to empower women and all kinds humans, to exceed their own expectations, whether they are founders, entrepreneurs, CEOs, leading a ground-breaking venture or creating positive change within their community or organization, movement forward is movement. We are dedicated to supporting women to unlock their full superpower potential while inspiring them to be the rockstar they were born to be. This publication is a space within a supportive and inclusive platform that amplifies a woman’s voice, their perspectives, experiences, and achievements. Through education, advocacy, and community building, we will be part of the solution. By encouraging women to embrace their strengths, cultivate their talents, and speak out confidently, we aim to create a world where every woman can freely express herself, shape her own narrative, and inspire positive change. My goal for the publication is to hold space within a supportive, inclusive platform that amplifies a woman's voice, legacy, perspectives, experiences and achievements. Through education, advocacy, and community building, we become part of the solution. By encouraging women to embrace their strengths, cultivate their talents, and speak out confidently, we aim to create a world where every woman can freely express herself, shape her own narrative, and inspire positive change. Their footprint and impact matter! Fellas, we have not forgotten you!! How can we? There are so many outstanding men who deserve to be celebrated too! Championing is essential for women’s leadership success because they will rise further and faster, when they know the men in their lives have got their backs. The I Am Unbreakable™ movement is revolutionizing how women’s voices are celebrated and heard worldwide.



Area of focus

Media and Entertainment
Social Media
Social Innovation

Company size

2 - 10

This member is no longer active.

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