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Amanda Whitcroft

FounderWhitcroft PR

New York, NY

Member Since May 2023

Published content

AI: Transforming the Creative Landscape


While concerns around new technology hold validity, it is crucial to uphold a guiding principle: the purpose of generative AI is not to replicate, but to aggregate.

14 Creative Tips for Gaining Recognition as an Expert in Your Field

expert panel

Following these creative suggestions for thought leaders can help you gain the authority you need to stand out. In a crowded industry full of experts, standing out and gaining recognition as a thought leader requires a touch of creativity. While expertise and knowledge are essential, it's the ability to showcase your unique perspective and captivate audiences that sets you apart. So, how can you harness creativity to become a standout thought leader in your field? Below, Rolling Stone Culture Council members explore unconventional strategies that will help you make a lasting impact, attract attention and position yourself as a trusted authority in your industry.

The Art of Public Relations: 12 Necessary Elements for the Perfect Pitch

expert panel

When it comes to promoting your business, a well-crafted pitch can make all the difference. In the competitive landscape of public relations, understanding how to develop a good pitch for your business is essential. From telling a compelling story to leveraging effective data and statistics, the content and delivery of your pitch could help your company stand out from the countless other pitches members of the media receive every day. Below, 12 Rolling Stone Culture Council members delve into the crucial points you should keep in mind when working on public relations for your business. Here's why these elements are fundamental in capturing the interest and attention of both journalists and your target audience.

Feeling Stressed? 17 Ways Business Leaders Can Effectively Manage Their Mental Health

expert panel

Leadership can be stressful, but these simple practices can help business leaders better manage their mental health.  Leading a company can be an exhilarating and fulfilling experience, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges and pressures. When you’re a business leader, maintaining good mental health is crucial for both personal well-being and effective decision-making.  To that end, 17 Rolling Stone Culture Council members explore some proven strategies business leaders can employ to manage their mental health amid the challenging demands of their roles. From regular exercise to setting boundaries to seeking support and fostering a positive work culture, these strategies can encourage a healthier and more resilient approach to leadership.

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Whitcroft PR



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