Beth Waterfall is a cannabis business development and communications strategist with a successful track record of helping brands and businesses grow via profitable product development, effective corporate communications, creative-yet-compliant marketing, and meaningful community engagement. She is also founder and executive director of ELEVATE Northeast Events and Education, Inc., a first-of-its-kind 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that creates education programs to help end stigma against the people who use and work with cannabis, and to foster an inclusive and compliant industry. Beth is known for effectively breaking down doors between the nascent cannabis industry and the established business community, and for brokering some of the most impactful relationships in New England cannabis. As legalization expands in new states, Beth keeps her finger on the pulse of emerging regulations and social justice efforts, and leverages her relationships and experience to benefit her clients and the greater cannabis community.

Beth Waterfall
Published content

expert panel
Aug 1, 2022
It’s not just a matter of if you should or shouldn’t react — it’s how. When controversial events occur in society, some customers want brands to speak out and others want brands to "stay in their place." When you’re a business leader, this can put you in a difficult position, as you may want to voice your opinion, as well as your company’s, but you also don’t want to alienate or lose customers as a result. As business leaders themselves, the members of Rolling Stone Culture Council have their own thoughts on the matter. Below, 12 of them each share their tips for how businesses should respond to controversial current events and why they take this stance.

expert panel
It’s never too late to make changes for the better. In the excitement of getting their first business up and running, new entrepreneurs may rush through the website-building process, aiming for speed to market rather than a well-planned design. In doing so, though, they may end up missing a few key components along the way, making mistakes that could cost them in the long run. Even if your website is already live, however, it’s not too late to make some valuable changes. Below, a panel of Rolling Stone Culture Council members discuss some of the mistakes first-time entrepreneurs make when building their websites and what can be done to fix them.

expert panel
Nov 12, 2021
In order to appease their customers, company leaders will need to shift their mindsets. The demand is clear: The next generation of consumers wants more eco-friendly businesses. And yet, not every business is on board, continuing to roll out products made with nonbiodegradable materials destined for landfill or approving unsustainable supply chain practices that hurt more than just the environment. So what’s keeping current businesses from implementing more sustainable, eco-friendly practices and products? To shed some light on the issue, a panel of Rolling Stone Culture Council members each share one factor they believe is holding many company leaders back from developing a more earth-conscious approach to business.
Company details
ELEVATE Northeast Events and Education, Inc.
Company bio
ELEVATE Northeast Events and Education, Inc. is a 501c3 nonprofit organization created by a team of cannabis advocates, business leaders, and educators to support the Northeast US's growing cannabis industry and the corresponding need for workforce and community education, advocacy and networking. ELEVATE Northeast provides a variety of exceptional events and experiences that connect attendees and elevate the perception of what cannabis professionals are and can do. And because cannabis businesses cannot succeed without inclusion of multiple perspectives, an educated community, and informed customer base, ELEVATE Northeast's mission is to empower underrepresented populations to work and lead in the cannabis industry, and to empower our communities to be educated customers and responsible consumers. We fulfill our mission by engaging business and individual members to support and maintain a compliant and inclusive industry through corporate social responsibility and restorative justice practices. ELEVATE Northeast membership is more than just a business deal that’s “good for marketing”-it’s a promise to your community, customers, employees, and regulators that you care about elevating others as your business grows.