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Brian Framson

PresidentCitrus America Inc

Orlando, FL

Member Since February 2021


Profit Improvement
Business Strategy
Fresh Juice


Juicing guy for more than a decade. 20 years of international business experience working for large blue chip publicly traded companies prior to becoming an juicing entrepreneur.

Published content

10 Bad Practices That Could Be Derailing Your Customer Service Efforts

expert panel

Don’t let these blunders ruin your customer relationships. Poor customer service can have a big effect on a business’s ability to succeed. And while a smile and a helpful attitude can go a long way toward creating a positive experience for a customer, they aren’t the only aspects of customer service that need to be focused on. Whether it’s slow response times or even relying too heavily on customer self-help tools, there may be some practices you don’t even realize are hurting your relationships with your customers.  Pinpointing your company’s bad practices is essential if you want to improve your customer service efforts and, as a result, the overall happiness of your customers. To get started, consider this list of bad practices that could be derailing your company's customer service efforts, courtesy of Rolling Stone Culture Council business leaders.

Eight Ways to Balance Business Innovation With Financial Stability

expert panel

Experimenting with a new product or service shouldn’t come at the expense of your core business. It can be said that all businesses are in the business of making money. Regardless of what product they sell or what service they provide, all businesses need to make money in order to survive and, hopefully, thrive. But there’s another component businesses need in order to thrive, at least in the long term: innovation. If businesses don’t innovate or improve upon their current offerings, they may not ever grow or reach their true potential. However, innovation can be risky, as not all ideas will be profitable or accepted by customers. To find that balance between making money in order to survive and making room for innovation, business leaders should consider the following eight tips from the experts of Rolling Stone Culture Council. Here, they discuss the key to balancing innovation with the financial need to stick with what works, ensuring business leaders can still pay the bills.

Nine Best Practices for Turning Unhappy Customers Into Happy Ones

expert panel

Resolve customer problems any time of year with these expert-recommended tips. The holidays can be a busy, stressful time for companies and customers alike. An influx of orders, too few staff and emotions running high can mean an increase in mistakes and dissatisfied customers. But these situations aren’t unique to the holiday season, and now that the new year is in full swing, businesses can step back and reflect on customer service lessons they can take with them throughout the rest of the year.  Below, the business leaders of Rolling Stone Culture Council discuss some of their top customer service lessons and the practices businesses can keep in mind when trying to find the best way to deal with an unhappy customer, no matter the season.

Nine Goals to Set for Your Business in the New Year

expert panel

Prime you and your business for a successful 2024 by taking these critical steps. The start of a new year can be the perfect time for business leaders to start fresh. Whether it’s reevaluating their processes, trying something new or finding ways to reengage their staff, employers can use this time to learn from any mistakes or successes of the previous year and set themselves up for a better year ahead. But to do so, they may want to consider the following advice from the members of Rolling Stone Culture Council first. Here, they each discuss one business goal they have for the new year and explain why other businesses might want to work toward the same goal if they want their business to succeed in 2024.

The Brand Is Dead, Long Live the Brand: 5 Factors Challenging Large Established Brands and How Emerging Brands Can Exploit This


Brands are challenged by fragmentation, but there's still opportunities to be had.

10 Effective Ways to Build Buzz Around Your Business

expert panel

If you want your business to go viral, then apply these tips to go the extra mile. Whether it’s “going viral” or becoming “the talk of the town,” generating buzz around your business is essential if you want to grow your audience and, consequently, your bottom line. General marketing efforts are a good start; however, you'll need to do more to make a big name for your business. According to the business leaders of Rolling Stone Culture Council, the following 10 strategies can give your brand the boost it needs to really take off. Consider adopting one or more of these tactics to build buzz around your business, get your product in front of more consumers and increase your sales as well as your odds of success.

Company details

Citrus America Inc

Company bio

Citrus America, Inc. helps North American companies earn Healthy Profits from Commercial Juicing. We target in-store, on-location, on-demand juicing solutions for the freshest possible juice experience. Grocery stores, hotels, bars, restaurants, clubs, fitness centers, universities, health facilities are all locations where fresh juice is in demand. Once you start drinking fresh orange juice... wow... you'll see. Drink margaritas and other cocktails with fresh lime juice, fresh lemon juice, or even fresh tangerines and you've changed your perspective on what a high-end cocktail is all about.


Food & Beverage

Area of focus

Food and Beverage
Fresh Juice
Profit Improvement

Company size

2 - 10