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Cassandra Ingram

General CounselCanPay

Scottsdale, AZ

Member Since March 2023




Cassandra Ingram is the General Counsel to CanPay, a cannabis fintech (payments) company in Seattle. In addition to her normal business and compliance related tasks, she manages legal matters that involve privacy, cybersecurity, payments and financial regulation, and other areas of law that help regulate the fintech space. With experience in civil litigation, she is also an adjunct professor at Seattle University School of Law.

Published content

Consumer Data Protection: Can the U.S. FinTech Industry Solve the Problem?


Consumers must have a seat at the table when it comes to protecting their data.

Company details


Company bio

CanPay offers a payment solution for the state regulated cannabis industry and other emerging markets. CanPay started with one goal – to bring traditional and legitimate electronic payment solutions to highly-regulated industries. We’ve spent years learning about the unique challenges that face consumers and retailers in these industries and used that experience to design CanPay as the stable payment solution they can rely on. With over 20 years of industry experience, the CanPay team of payments professionals is building a proprietary network of consumers, retailers, financial institutions, and specialized technology providers that make payments at regulated businesses just like payments everywhere else.



Area of focus

Mobile Payments
Financial Services