Member Since October 2020
If you are connecting purely to sell me something, send me an interesting fun fact in your connection request, or I will decline. I am a former retail professional with 10 years of experience in Merchandising, Planning, and Buying. I am currently the CEO of Trendalytics. I am always open to networking, so please feel free to send me a message and/or reach out.
Cecile Lee
Company details
Trendalytics Innovation Labs, Inc
Company bio
Trendalytics is a state-of-the-art analytics platform empowering brands and retailers to drive profitable decisions by aggregating and demystifying predictive data. We leverage billions of signals from Google search, social media, and ecomm market data to predict what to buy and when to buy. Understand at a glance where a trend is in its life cycle without the guesswork. Our platform provides tailored recommendations to help users understand the magnitude and context of trends most relevant to them. We're hiring! Check out all of our available positions here: