Experienced former law enforcement officer with the Oakland Police Department (OPD), including considerable time working undercover, and the San Francisco Police Department (SFPD); deep understanding of law enforcement operations and capabilities

Chris Eggers
Published content

expert panel
You may have to adapt your current business plan. Much like technology, culture can change at the drop of a hat. People’s tastes, what’s “in” and “the next big thing” are constantly evolving, whether in reaction to current events or the latest innovation in a particular industry. Those entrepreneurs hoping to make it in this space must be able to thrive in a changing environment, adapting their business when it’s needed and sticking to the plan when it’s not. But this isn’t the only way to get ahead in the culture space. According to the business leaders of Rolling Stone Culture Council, embracing the following habits can give hopeful entrepreneurs a leg up on the competition and ensure they find true success in the culture space and their overall careers.

expert panel
A little support from leadership can go a long way. Filled with worry about the rising cost of living, the possible negative implications of AI in the workplace and increasingly unsustainable workloads, employees are feeling burned out. And with high levels of employee stress, both productivity and overall employee morale are negatively affected, meaning leaders are likely to have a growing problem from both a profit and personnel perspective if they don’t get a handle on it — and fast. However, the solution may be a simple one: support. According to the business experts of Rolling Stone Culture Council, showing your employees you care about them and their mental health and well-being is an essential first step to improving employee happiness and decreasing the cases of burnout. Here are the 11 ways they recommend you do so.
Company details
CC Security Solutions
Company bio
• CCSS is the market leading Security Solutions Provider dedicated to the legal cannabis industry • Founded in 2021 with a mission and vision dedicated to re-defining and significantly improving cannabis industry security and cannabis risk management • CCSS generally acts as a client’s single point of contact and implements security solutions to: (1) reduce total security costs; (2) strengthen security; (3) improve compliance, and; (4) reduce liability