Chris Martin has been a chef for 26 years. He owns the trademark to Hempfulfarms™ the first Hemp infused cafe in AZ. He also is Managing a partner for American Green™ and Paw Puddy ™ he has successfully opened a 4000sq ft manufacturing facility of all things CBD from hemp, runs their 12,000 sq ft grow, kitchen and lab as well. We are creators of all things weedleSs™, Hempfulfarms™, OGZonka Bars™ and Paw Puddy™

Chris Martin
Published content

expert panel
Aug 1, 2022
It’s not just a matter of if you should or shouldn’t react — it’s how. When controversial events occur in society, some customers want brands to speak out and others want brands to "stay in their place." When you’re a business leader, this can put you in a difficult position, as you may want to voice your opinion, as well as your company’s, but you also don’t want to alienate or lose customers as a result. As business leaders themselves, the members of Rolling Stone Culture Council have their own thoughts on the matter. Below, 12 of them each share their tips for how businesses should respond to controversial current events and why they take this stance.

expert panel
Ensuring your employees are fulfilled in their work pays off in more ways than one. In their efforts to retain their employees, many companies are becoming more and more open to “talent mobility” — or letting employees completely change positions or departments in their company. This can have many benefits, such as increased fulfillment and job satisfaction for employees and higher rates of productivity and lower turnover for companies. But moving employees around the company can quickly turn into a complex mess if you don’t have the right plan in place first. To help, 10 members of Rolling Stone Culture Council offer their tips for ensuring this process goes smoothly and is a successful endeavor for all parties involved.

expert panel
Building a powerful network can help your business in more ways than one. Networking is not a new concept in the business world, and certainly not to the business professionals who are doing it. But for business owners, forging new connections with other businesses in the same space can often feel like trying to make friends with the competition, and knowing how or when to reach out might not come naturally. But building that network of support is key to long-term business success, and can be especially important during the first few years of growth. So to help demystify the networking process, the members of Rolling Stone Culture Council provided their best tips on how to do it right and how to ensure you’re building strong relationships for the long term.

expert panel
Your response will say a lot about your company. When your business operates in a niche that can sometimes experience controversy or deals with controversial subjects, such as cannabis or art, you’re bound to come across a few naysayers along the way. While you can’t prevent this situation from happening, you can control the way you respond. In a public space like social media, the way you conduct yourself in reaction to any “hate comments” or “trolls” can have a major impact on the way your business is perceived by current and potential customers. So before you hit “reply,” consider the following 10 strategies recommended by a panel of Rolling Stone Culture Council experts for responding to any controversy that may arise.

expert panel
All it takes is the right idea to build positive connections. At a time when so many of us have been forced apart, industries of all sorts — from gaming to food to music as well as cannabis — have sought out ways to bring people back together and build back the connections we felt were lost. Below, a group of Rolling Stone Culture Council members explain the ways that they and their companies have worked to bring people together during the past two years of illness, shutdowns and quarantines and how they’re continuing to focus on those relationships now.

expert panel
Jan 13, 2022
What inspires entrepreneurs each day doesn't have to come from the business sector. As any entrepreneur will tell you, running a business is a tough job. Finding the motivation to bring your all every day is a task in and of itself as you can easily become overwhelmed by the responsibility of constant planning, innovating and ensuring your team is well taken care of. Having something or someone to draw from for inspiration, then, can have a major impact on an entrepreneur’s outlook. But you don’t have to look to the business realm to be inspired. To share what has served as their biggest source of non-business inspiration, a panel of Rolling Stone Culture Council members each discuss what (or who) inspires them as they lead their companies now and into the future.
Company details
Hempful Farms
Company bio
Hempful Farms is Arizona’s First Premier Hemp Cafe and retail shop. Founded in 2013 by Chris and Andrea Martin, Hempful Farms opened serving hemp infused breakfast, lunch, smoothies and coffees. Hempful has three locations nationally. Hempful was born after The Martin’s were raided for cannabis. In 2010 the Martin’s started a brand called doing chocolates. Chris amd his wife were raided me faced 27 felonies and a combined totals of 127 years in prison. After beating their case due to police corruption, Chris was released in 2017 and hasn’t looked back. Founding a nonprofit, helping inmates of the cannabis drug war. Chris and his wife also have a book called #OneLife documenting their story as well as a documentary on Amazon prime called #Hatersmakemefamous. Chris and Andi spend their time giving back to the community and love having cameos in local Movies such as Some Nudity Required, Strange Friends and Convicted Creations.