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Cynthia Johnson

Co-Founder/CEOBell + Ivy

Los Angeles, CA

Published content

AI's Impact on Personal Branding, Identity and the Three-Dimensional AWE


How do we navigate this evolution in tech as an opportunity for expansion and not as a reason for disconnection?

12 Tips for Building a Diverse, Inclusive Peer Network

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Discover how you can foster a diverse and inclusive network of peers to drive inspiration and growth. In the culture space, diverse perspectives are more than a "nice to have" — they’re essential for fostering continuous innovation that resonates with your audience. Building an inclusive network of peers can guarantee access to a wide range of ideas, experiences and viewpoints to enrich your work and inspire growth. However, creating such a network doesn't happen without intentionality and effort. To help, the members of Rolling Stone Culture Council share their expert tips on developing a diverse network to help broaden your perspectives and impact.

10 Strategies to Empower Your Employees to Take More Ownership at Work

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Employees who take ownership often feel more valued, motivated and connected to company goals. Many companies often struggle with employee engagement. Employees may be “phoning it in,” not taking initiative or failing to do more than is required of them, and company leaders can’t figure out how to get them more invested not only in their own success, but in the success of the company as well.  One solution is to build a culture of ownership. When employees feel they have control over their work and their future, they’re more likely to be productive and step up with ideas to benefit their team, as well as feel generally happier about their work. So what’s the key to creating such a company culture, and what steps can leaders take to build one? Here, business leaders from Rolling Stone Culture Council draw on their own experience improving employee engagement and offer up 10 strategies they’ve found to be most effective in empowering employees to take ownership of their roles and future success. 

11 Ways to Balance Authenticity and Marketing While Developing Your Brand

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You don’t necessarily have to sacrifice one to achieve the other. All companies must eventually make sales if they want to last as a business. And to make sales, you need to work on marketing — or getting your brand and products in front of potential customers and detailing the reasons why they should pass their hard-earned cash off to you. But while earning sales is one of the main goals of good marketing, some efforts can sometimes come off too “salesy,” turning off customers with far too insistent and persistent language and messaging. Today’s consumers crave more transparency from brands, so marketers must work to balance their sales pitch with their brand’s authentic voice. Drawing on their own experiences as business leaders, the members of Rolling Stone Culture Council weigh in below on how brands can balance authenticity and marketing when developing their unique brand story and why it’s so important to do so.

13 Ways These Entrepreneurs Have Defied Traditional Business Wisdom

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Sometimes, breaking the rules leads to the biggest breakthroughs. For many entrepreneurs, taking an unconventional approach — whether in strategy, hiring or growth tactics — has led to invaluable lessons and unique successes in their businesses. But choosing to go against the grain isn’t without risk, as each choice shapes the path forward in surprising ways. Below, Rolling Stone Culture Council members share moments when they challenged traditional advice. Through the lessons they learned along the way, they offer practical insights to inspire bold steps on your own entrepreneurial path.

Nine Ways Companies Can Better Engage and Persuade Younger Consumers

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To market to a younger audience, you first have to get to know them on a deeper level. Culture is rapidly changing, with influencer-recommended shopping and rapid content consumption becoming the norm. And as younger generations not only embrace this new culture but lead it, companies are finding themselves targeting a new demographic of consumers. However, taking the same-old approach won’t be effective if you want to gain the interest of young consumers. From marketing on the right platforms to supporting their favorite social causes, companies will need to consider younger generations’ differing preferences. Here, the business leaders of Rolling Stone Culture Council offer up nine ways companies can better engage younger consumers and the methods that have worked well for them. 

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Bell + Ivy

