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Jed Brewer

PresidentGood Loud Media

Chicago, IL

Member Since March 2024


Jed Brewer is the founder and President of Good Loud Media, a nonprofit record label that uses music as a messaging tool for public health applications. Jed is a skilled media professional with twenty years of experience in music, video, and audio production resulting in millions of plays and views online and tens of thousands of hours of airtime on traditional media. Jed creates media that audiences love across a huge range of styles, genres, and applications. Jed also has fifteen years experience in the nonprofit sector serving at-risk young people, returning citizens, people experiencing homelessness, and more. Jed is dedicated to using media to meet the needs of those who need it most.

Published content

Nine Areas of Focus for Improved Customer Service Training

expert panel

Proper training can ensure reps are prepared to handle any problem that comes their way. Because they have direct interactions with customers on a daily basis, a company’s customer service team plays a large role in that organization’s success. Quality customer service will not only impress new customers but will also be a key motivator in their decision to stick around for the long term. This means that training customer service reps on how to do their job efficiently and with quality and positivity in mind is an important task that leaders shouldn’t take lightly.  As business leaders themselves, the members of Rolling Stone Culture Council know what it takes to provide great customer service. Below, they each detail one area they believe more customer service teams should be trained on in order to be successful and the impact that has on a company’s bottom line.

Looking to Collab With Another Brand? Eight Steps to Guarantee Their Interest

expert panel

To persuade a brand to work with you, first think about how you can help them. In a saturated market, it can be difficult to stand out — especially on your own. A great way to reach new audiences and leverage resources that may not normally be available to you, however, is to collaborate with another business in, or even outside of, your industry. A product or campaign that takes advantage of both teams’ strengths may be just what you need to get you both noticed by potential customers. However, approaching another company can feel intimidating, especially if you’re a small business and unsure of what you might bring to the table. According to the business leaders of Rolling Stone Culture Council, taking the following eight steps can help boost your confidence. Here, they offer up their best tips for approaching another brand or business about a collaborative partnership and what you can do to guarantee their interest.

11 Ways to Combat 'Quiet Quitting' and Better Engage Your Employees

expert panel

If your employees have checked out, you should first take a close look at your company culture. Many employees seek fulfillment in their careers, hoping to be seen and understood by their employers, and given a chance to show off their skills and grow within their companies. However, many employees don’t feel they’re receiving this kind of treatment. In fact, “quiet quitters,” or those who are simply doing the bare minimum it takes to get by in their jobs, could make up around half of the U.S. workforce—a response that signals widespread issues with employee recognition and engagement.  According to the business leaders of Rolling Stone Culture Council, the solution lies in treating your employees like the valuable team members they are, ensuring they have the opportunities and resources they need to succeed. To do so, they recommend following these 11 tips for reengaging employees and reigniting their passion for their careers.

10 Ways to Leverage Technology to Build Better Customer Relationships

expert panel

When it comes to human-to-human connection, AI can be a valuable tool. As AI becomes more and more commonplace in business, there are some leaders who worry about it replacing the human element of customer service and engagement. Will customers really be happy talking to AI over another human being? Will business lose its personal touch? While AI is certainly poised to change the way business is currently conducted, many leaders believe that technology can be used as a key tool for bettering relationships between customers and companies — not replacing them. Below, 10 business leaders from Rolling Stone Culture Council weigh in with their thoughts on technology in business, each discussing one way a business can leverage technology to build better relationships with its customers and what's worked well for them.

Three lessons that classic protest songs can teach us about developing messaging that stands the test of time


The principles that allow these songs to be heard as fresh several decades later are yours for the taking.

Six Metrics to Help You Determine the Success of a Social Media Campaign

expert panel

Here are a few ways to track success you may not have thought of. When it comes to meeting your customers where they are, getting on social media is likely a good place to start. But while more and more customers are shifting their browsing and shopping habits to social media, tracking the effectiveness and ROI of a social media campaign can be tricky. Attempting to determine how much money was made from “likes” or “comments” isn’t as straightforward as other forms of marketing, and this can be a major struggle for social media teams trying to prove their success.  However, money made isn’t the only way to define “success,” and there are other goals or milestones that may indicate customers are getting value from what you’re offering. If you’re struggling to find a return on one of your social media campaigns, consider tracking one of the following metrics, as suggested by the business leaders of Rolling Stone Culture Council. These key performance indicators may help you see your campaign in a whole new light.

Company details

Good Loud Media

Company bio

Good Loud Media is a nonprofit record label that creates music and video content with and for at-risk people and historically under-resourced communities. Our music is designed to make life better for our audience members. We do this by combining guidance and insights from physicians, psychologists, and social workers with the world-class talents of Grammy-winning performers, platinum-selling producers, and legendary recording engineers.



Area of focus

Health Care
Music Label

Company size

Myself only