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Jonathan Anastas's avatarPerson

Jonathan Anastas

Board Chair at Alpha Metaverse Technologies, Group CMO, ONE Championship. Alpha Metaverse Technologies

Los Angeles, CA

Member Since July 2021


Digital Marketing
Integrated Marketing


CMO and C-level Digital business operator, successfully connecting brands to their increasingly elusive customers - and unlocking new revenue - by leveraging their personal passions, data, technology and creative disruption. Inspired, built and led teams focused on delivering award-winning, effective campaigns across entertainment, gaming, music, social media, automotive, sports and more.

Published content

Why Business Leaders Need to Be Aware of Anti-Trust Developments


A now-divided federal government for 2023 should help business push back harder against the FTC.

Why Culture Is Driving Combat Sports Success


In the world of combat sports, culture drives success.

Navigating America’s Divided Advertising Landscape


Is there room for a company to serve all audiences?

My Top 2022 Sports and Gaming Trends to Watch


The esports market is becoming substantial and more like traditional sports. 

Why Esports Just Reached a Cultural Tipping Point


The evolving developments in esports point to a larger change in the traditional sports industry and the gaming market.

Why I Think Netflix Entering the Gaming Market Underlines the Immense Potential of the Industry


It’s not surprising to see an aggressive data-led company like Netflix look to gaming.

Company details

Alpha Metaverse Technologies

Company bio

Alpha Esports Tech Inc. (CSE: ALPA). We're a technology company with a focus on esports, online gaming platforms, and blockchain.



Company size

11 - 50

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Rolling Stone Culture Council is a vetted professional network of influential business leaders in the music, entertainment, media, food & beverage, fashion, sports, gaming and cannabis industries.