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Kristin Marquet

FounderMarquet Media, LLC

New York, NY

Member Since August 2022


Public Relations
Digital Marketing
Brand Design and Strategy


Kristin Marquet is an experienced publicist and business owner with a track record of over 14 years. As the creative director of Marquet Media, LLC, she takes charge of the company's day-to-day operations while spearheading client campaigns. Throughout her successful career, Kristin has forged valuable partnerships with renowned brands and notable entrepreneurs. Some of her esteemed collaborators include Amy Feind Reeves, a well-known author and entrepreneur; Michelle Lewis, a celebrity entrepreneur and podcaster; Angela Ficken, a psychotherapist and entrepreneur, among others. Together with her clients, Kristin has garnered media coverage in prestigious outlets such as,,, Wall Street Journal, and Kristin's educational background comprises rigorous data science, business, and public relations studies. She has pursued academic excellence at institutions like Boston University, New York University, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She is a member of the Young Entrepreneur Council and the Fast Company Executive Board.

Published content

15 Ways Business Leaders Can Create a Culture of Employee Empowerment

expert panel

These steps can help create the kind of culture that employees will love to brag about. For a business leader, to empower your employees is to give them the tools, resources, support and courage they need to do their jobs well. While constant monitoring and micro-managing may have been a popular management style in years past, today’s leaders are looking for ways to weave empowerment into the very core of their company’s culture, ensuring every employee is able to contribute their best work. However, creating such a culture may require a significant shift from what currently exists in your organization. To build more collaboration, encouragement and positivity into your work culture, consider the following advice from the business leaders of Rolling Stone Culture Council.

Six Metrics to Help You Determine the Success of a Social Media Campaign

expert panel

Here are a few ways to track success you may not have thought of. When it comes to meeting your customers where they are, getting on social media is likely a good place to start. But while more and more customers are shifting their browsing and shopping habits to social media, tracking the effectiveness and ROI of a social media campaign can be tricky. Attempting to determine how much money was made from “likes” or “comments” isn’t as straightforward as other forms of marketing, and this can be a major struggle for social media teams trying to prove their success.  However, money made isn’t the only way to define “success,” and there are other goals or milestones that may indicate customers are getting value from what you’re offering. If you’re struggling to find a return on one of your social media campaigns, consider tracking one of the following metrics, as suggested by the business leaders of Rolling Stone Culture Council. These key performance indicators may help you see your campaign in a whole new light.

12 Proven Processes for Identifying and Executing Business Goals

expert panel

Here's how to strategically create and follow through on your most important business goals. No matter what industry you're in, business success starts with identifying short- and long-term goals. However, it can be tricky to figure out exactly how to set and achieve those objectives. To help, Rolling Stone Culture Council business leaders share their goal-setting strategies and why these methods are effective. Follow their recommendations to help you refine your approach to achieving your business goals.

Nine Ways Managers Can Motivate and Inspire Their Teams With Their Words

expert panel

Expressing gratitude is just one way a leader can show they care. One of the many jobs of an effective leader is to inspire and motivate their teams to put forth their best effort and do good work. However, inspiring and motivating are made much more difficult when you aren’t sure exactly what to say. What words will lead your team to solve problems? Find their creativity? Nurture relationships with clients?  According to the business leaders of Rolling Stone Culture Council, it’s not necessarily about the exact words you say so much as their meaning and your genuine feelings behind them. From acknowledging employee contributions to offering more autonomy, your words and their intent can have a powerful impact on your employees and the way they work. Try out the following nine suggestions and see what you can inspire your team to do.

10 Ways to Ensure Your Company Can Adapt to Evolving Trends

expert panel

The only constant with trends is that they will inevitably change. In the culture space, what's in one day could be out the next. Trends are constantly changing, and the companies that build their business off trends may struggle to thrive once their particular trend has come and gone. However, it’s not unusual for companies to want to cater to what’s popular at the moment, offering what customers are most interested in at the time. The challenge then becomes how to adapt as these trends change. How can a business ensure it doesn't fail once a fad has passed? As business leaders in the culture space, the members of Rolling Stone Culture Council have a few ideas. Here, they discuss 10 key tips for building a culture of adaptability in your company that will allow you to better respond to constant cultural change.

How to Create a Social Media Presence That Stands Up to the Competition's

expert panel

Cut through the noise by amplifying your unique story. Today, it seems that nearly everyone is on social media — and that includes businesses. With the majority of small businesses using social media to reach their audience, there’s a lot of competition when it comes to earning the attention of potential customers. This is why it’s so vital to find a way to stand out and cut through the digital noise. However, beyond creating viral videos or following the latest social media trend, there are a number of other, more meaningful ways to set your business apart. Here, nine business leaders from Rolling Stone Culture Council weigh in on some of the steps a business can take to ensure their social media presence stands out from the competition and engages their followers in a meaningful way.

Company details

Marquet Media, LLC

Company bio

Marquet Media, LLC is an award-winning, New York-based PR, analytics, design, and digital marketing agency. From advising start-up companies on raising capital to guiding established organizations looking to bring a new product to market, reposition themselves, or generate mainstream press, we have worked with clients across all media platforms. We work with each one of our clients independently to create media opportunities that will help them achieve their business and communication objectives – both on budget and on time. Throughout the last 15 years, we’ve launched over 1,000 brands.



Area of focus

Public Relations
Brand Marketing
Digital Marketing

Company size

11 - 50