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Nathan Green

CEO and Co-FounderNew Level Radio

Denver, CO

Member Since February 2023


Marketing Strategy


My life has always been about music, in some shape or form. Whether it was creating mixed tapes in middle school, putting together playlists for parties in high school and college, or my many years in the radio and TV industry, music has always played a vital role. In 2007, along with my long-time business partner Sam Ambrose, I helped launch New Level Radio, creating a new niche in the radio and music industry. Today, our company delivers customizable radio networks for hundreds of businesses all over the U.S., including more than 60 casino properties across 23 states across the U.S. When I'm not not on an airplane or creating a new playlist for a property, I am typically at home in Denver spending time with my wife and three kids, working on new ventures, running a road race, or listening to music with the volume turned up to 10.

Published content

15 Ways Business Leaders Can Create a Culture of Employee Empowerment

expert panel

These steps can help create the kind of culture that employees will love to brag about. For a business leader, to empower your employees is to give them the tools, resources, support and courage they need to do their jobs well. While constant monitoring and micro-managing may have been a popular management style in years past, today’s leaders are looking for ways to weave empowerment into the very core of their company’s culture, ensuring every employee is able to contribute their best work. However, creating such a culture may require a significant shift from what currently exists in your organization. To build more collaboration, encouragement and positivity into your work culture, consider the following advice from the business leaders of Rolling Stone Culture Council.

Zooming Past Zoom: How In-Person Connections Drive Business Success


Technology has undoubtedly revolutionized the way we work, but it's important to remember and recognize that some aspects of human connection cannot be digitized. 

Forget Experience, Hire for Passion and Enthusiasm


Having a motivated team to lean on every day is vitally important for the overall success of any company.

Seven Signs You and Your Business Partner May Not Be Compatible After All

expert panel

If your business is failing, a poor partner relationship could be to blame. Regardless of whether you’re best friends, family members, industry colleagues or anything else, two people always enter into a business partnership hoping to leverage each other’s strengths and build a successful business together. However, real life may not always play out so smoothly.  If your business isn’t doing as well as you’d hoped — or is even failing — but you can’t seem to find the root cause, you may consider looking at the state of your business partnership. From disagreeing on core values to avoiding each other entirely, issues within your relationship with your business partner can have a direct effect on the way your business runs and, ultimately, whether or not it succeeds. If you find yourself questioning whether or not you and your business partner are as compatible as you thought, look for these seven signs as outlined by the business leaders of Rolling Stone Culture Council, and then determine whether you can heal your relationship or whether it would be beneficial to part ways.

Eight Tips for Pulling Your Team Out of a Post-Holiday Winter Slump

expert panel

Help your team beat their winter blues by taking these important steps. Once the celebrations of the holiday season are over, it can be easy to fall into a slump upon your return to work. The merrymaking is over, and the cold, gloomy feel of winter sets in — not the best recipe for a motivated staff. And while the winter blues can hit anyone — even leaders — getting their teams reenergized and ready to tackle the year ahead is essential for leaders looking to hit their business goals and encourage a happy, healthy culture. However, boosting employee morale is about more than just throwing pizza parties. According to the business leaders of Rolling Stone Culture Council, taking the following eight steps can ensure you not only help employees find their motivation in the short term, but help cultivate positivity and an overall better work environment that will last throughout the year.

Mastering the Art of Remote Team Management


The appeal of remote work is undeniable. But sometimes a dream scenario as simple as working from home can be a far cry from ideal.

Company details

New Level Radio

Company bio

The New Level Radio team prides itself on its expertise in music, messaging, and branding. Our staff has over 100 years of work in music production, marketing, promotion, on-air radio, multi-radio station production, programming, and many other fields that ensure you are receiving the best music/video environment as possible. Let's get started! Allow one of our team members to develop a demo for your casino, hotel, or retail space today.



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