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Todd Boren

Chief Executive OfficerAlpen Group

Austin, TX

Member Since June 2023


Marketing Strategy
Risk Management


Todd Boren is a seasoned entrepreneur, venture capitalist, and private equity investor with deep expertise in the legal cannabis and psychadelics industries. For over 25 years, he has led VC and PE strategy and execution throughout the full investment lifecycle, including capital raise, deal sourcing, due diligence, and M&A structuring and closure. Within the cannabis market, Todd has built, scaled, and sold several leading brands and assets through The MacArthur Fund, a VC fund he co-founded to invest in cutting-edge legal cannabis companies. In 2019, he led one of the industry's largest exits in the sale of commercial cannabis consumables manufacturer Form Factory to Acreage Holdings for $160M. Prior to investing in the cannabis industry, Todd founded and led two FINRA broker dealers, International Assets Advisory and the Pinnacle Financial Group, from launch to exit.

Published content

Eight Tips for Pulling Your Team Out of a Post-Holiday Winter Slump

expert panel

Help your team beat their winter blues by taking these important steps. Once the celebrations of the holiday season are over, it can be easy to fall into a slump upon your return to work. The merrymaking is over, and the cold, gloomy feel of winter sets in — not the best recipe for a motivated staff. And while the winter blues can hit anyone — even leaders — getting their teams reenergized and ready to tackle the year ahead is essential for leaders looking to hit their business goals and encourage a happy, healthy culture. However, boosting employee morale is about more than just throwing pizza parties. According to the business leaders of Rolling Stone Culture Council, taking the following eight steps can ensure you not only help employees find their motivation in the short term, but help cultivate positivity and an overall better work environment that will last throughout the year.

11 Key Steps Business Leaders Can Take to Meet Their 2024 Goals

expert panel

Your team needs a clear plan of action if they’re going to help you succeed. Individuals aren't the only ones setting resolutions for the new year. Throughout the month of January, even business leaders are reviewing their major goals for the year, setting timelines and creating plans for how to achieve them. Without such plans, business leaders aren’t likely to see success, as it takes intentional effort from them and their teams to accomplish the potentially challenging tasks they’ve set before them.  To ensure you’re setting you and your business up for success in 2024, taking the following 11 steps can be a good place to start. Here, Rolling Stone Culture Council business leaders each suggest one thing their fellow business leaders can do to ensure they meet their goals for 2024 and beyond.

Seven Tips for Collecting Consumer Data So It's Actually Useful

expert panel

Boost your marketing efforts by ensuring your data collection is effective and efficient. When it comes to properly marketing to your customers, data is king. Armed with information regarding who is buying their products, from where and why, companies can make smart decisions about how to continue marketing to this audience and how to try marketing to any new ones they might want to reach. But if you’re not collecting the right data, or if you’re not collecting it in the most effective way, an overload of information can actually be more harmful than helpful. To ensure you make the best use of your resources and time when collecting consumer data, the business leaders of Rolling Stone Culture Council have a few ideas that can help you succeed. Here, they discuss their insights around how to better coordinate consumer data collection so it's actually useful to you and your team, as well as their best tips and tricks for doing so.

Eight Tips for Building Positive Relationships With Freelancers

expert panel

Leveraging contractors can be a great move for your business if you set them up for success. Whether they're writing content for your website or editing your social media videos, freelancers and contractors can be a major help to growing businesses. However, like any part- or full-time employee, they need to be set up for success in order to help your business achieve its goals. Whether through detailed communication or resources and support, treating freelancers like you would any permanent staff member ensures they’re able to do their best work. For further guidance, consider the following advice from the business leaders of Rolling Stone Culture Council. Below, they share useful tips for building positive working relationships with your freelancers and explain why doing so is so key to the success of your company.

Company details

Alpen Group

Company bio

The Alpen Group is one of the largest vertically-integrated multi-country cannabis operators in the world. The Alpen Group is built to become the most important company in the cannabis industry by combining the most strategic geographic footprint with one of the leading distribution platforms in Europe. Employing a consumer-packaged goods (“CPG”) approach to cannabis, Alpen's house of brands is designed to meet the needs of all consumer segments and includes some of the most recognized and trusted national brands including Plain Jane, Edition and more.



Company size

51 - 200