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Anthony Langone

VP of PublicityMarbaloo Marketing

New York City Area


Social Media

Company details

Marbaloo Marketing

Company bio

Under the Marbaloo Marketing umbrella, Faithe Dillman operates four companies: Marbaloo, the original celebrity marketing agency she started in 2010; Remedy Creative, a standalone creative shop that specializes in branding and packaging; Bandwidth, a live events company that dozens of top artists call on for tour promotion & publicity; The Avenue West, a product-centric marketing, PR & brand development agency that Dillman acquired in 2016. 2017 was a marque revenue year for the company with new client acquisition and current client retention both being at an all time high. We are passionately progressive and in constant pursuit of innovative ways to provide market edge to our clients, their products & priorities.



Area of focus

Digital Stunting
Digital Strategy

Company size

11 - 50