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Jed Brewer

PresidentGood Loud Media

Chicago, IL

Member Since March 2024


Jed Brewer is the founder and President of Good Loud Media, a nonprofit record label that uses music as a messaging tool for public health applications. Jed is a skilled media professional with twenty years of experience in music, video, and audio production resulting in millions of plays and views online and tens of thousands of hours of airtime on traditional media. Jed creates media that audiences love across a huge range of styles, genres, and applications. Jed also has fifteen years experience in the nonprofit sector serving at-risk young people, returning citizens, people experiencing homelessness, and more. Jed is dedicated to using media to meet the needs of those who need it most.

Published content

10 Strategies for Better Business Decisions and Less Mental Exhaustion

expert panel

Taking care of yourself first ensures you can take care of your company better. Leading a business can be exhausting, but part of being a leader is showing up and giving your all each day, even when things aren’t going how you planned. Finding ways to increase your efficiency without creating more mental work for yourself can be a helpful way of lessening the mental strain that comes with being the boss. When it comes to decision fatigue, for example, there are specific strategies you can use to ensure you never cross that line of exhaustion, even on a busy day. Below, the business leaders of Rolling Stone Culture Council share some of those strategies, elaborating on how they go about making good decisions as leaders while protecting their mental well-being at the same time.

10 Ways Marketers Can Boost Engagement Among Disengaged Customers

expert panel

The first step to reengaging a customer is to remember that they’re human. Whether it’s due to a lack of perceived value or just a lack of time and money, customers can often fall off the wagon when it comes to interacting with and purchasing from brands. And while some customers disengaging can be normal, companies may begin to worry once a pattern starts to emerge.  So what can they do to reengage those customers they seem to have lost? What’s the most effective method? Below, 10 business leaders of Rolling Stone Culture Council share their insights on the marketing “hacks” or strategies companies can use to boost engagement among disengaged customers and pique their interest once again.

Eight Struggles You May Face When Raising Capital for Your Business

expert panel

To impress potential investors, put yourself in their shoes. One of the most difficult aspects of getting a business off the ground is finding the money to be able to do so. While there are a number of ways to fund a business — crowdsourcing, family and friends, investors, bootstrapping and more — each comes with their own pros and cons, benefits and challenges, meaning no one business will likely follow the same financial path.  However, there are a number of similar struggles you may face when trying to raise capital for your business that other seasoned entrepreneurs have also experienced. To share their own stories and advice, eight business leaders of Rolling Stone Culture Council weigh in on common fundraising challenges and what they would advise others do to avoid or overcome the same obstacles they faced themselves.

What Music Theatre Students in Dubai Taught Me About Corporate America


An experience with students in Dubai led to finding five ways we can all push past uncertainty to reach out and share our talents.

16 Ways to Build Meaningful Network Connections That Go Beyond the Surface

expert panel

Be yourself and be curious, and the right people will find you. In business, who you know is everything. That means building real connections — ones you can count on, that go beyond surface-level acquaintances — should be a high priority for professionals looking to advance in their careers or business. However, just networking likely won’t get you the kind of relationships you’ll need to succeed. To build real connections, follow the 16 tips outlined by the culture and business experts of Rolling Stone Culture Council and see why being intentional about your relationships can propel you forward far faster than just networking alone.

14 Expert Tips for Building a Successful Personal Brand

expert panel

Building a successful brand means understanding who you are and staying true to it. In so many areas of culture, building a successful personal brand is key to getting ahead. Who you are, what you’re known for and what value you provide to others all play a role in creating your brand, and those who create positive ones are likely to find more opportunities coming their way. But creating a personal brand isn’t as simple as some may think. It requires intentionality and a deep understanding of self to get started. Here, 14 leaders of Rolling Stone Culture Council share some of the other steps you’ll need to take if you want to build a successful personal brand, in life and in business.

Company details

Good Loud Media

Company bio

Good Loud Media is a nonprofit record label that creates music and video content with and for at-risk people and historically under-resourced communities. Our music is designed to make life better for our audience members. We do this by combining guidance and insights from physicians, psychologists, and social workers with the world-class talents of Grammy-winning performers, platinum-selling producers, and legendary recording engineers.



Area of focus

Health Care
Music Label

Company size

Myself only